SSRS Viewer for WinRT
Step 1 of 3: Setting Up the Application

In this step you'll create a Visual Studio application and add the C1SsrsViewer control.

Complete the following steps:

  1. In Visual Studio, select File | New | Project. The New Project dialog box will open.
  2. From the New Project dialog box: 
    1. Expand a language in the left pane.
    2. Under the language select Windows Store.
    3. In the templates list select Blank App (XAML).
    4. Enter a Name and click OK to create your project.
  3. Add the following references to your application:
  1. Open MainPage.xaml if it isn't already open, place the cursor between the <Grid> and </Grid> tags, and click once.
  2. Locate the C1SsrsViewer control in the Visual Studio ToolBox and double-click to add it to your application. The markup should resemble the following:
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<c1SsrsViewer:C1SsrsViewer x:Name="ssrsViewer" />
  1. Then specify the ReportServer and ReportPath properties:
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<c1SsrsViewer:C1SsrsViewer x:Name="ssrsViewer" ReportServer = "YourServerAddress" ReportPath = "YourDatabase/Name_of_Report" />

An URL to Report Server can be found on the “Web Service URL” page in SSRS Configuration Manager utility.
The ReportPath property specifies a relative path to a specific report on the server.

If you have a full path including the report including the SSRS server URL, you can simply set the FullPath property as in the following:

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<SsrsViewer:C1SsrsViewer Name="ssrsViewer" FullPath="http://someaddress/ReportServer/Folder/Report Name"/>


In this step you created a Visual Studio application, added a C1SsrsViewer control, and set the ReportPath and ReportServer or the FullPath properties.



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